At $6 per share, pro-forma mkt cap is just over $1 B Cdn. or $770-odd US. Add $310 net debt and you have an enterprise value of $1.08 B US or $1.4 B Cdn.
From the share proceeds of about $150 million, about $75 will have to be paid to Barrick and the smaller vendor, leaving about $75 million to be applied to capex. That isn't nearly enough. Capex is supposed to be around $200 million, or at least that was Canaccord's opinion a few months ago. So expect another $125 added to the debt number.
The above numbers do not make allowance for cash that will be generated between now and end of construction, but I think that today's enthusiasm is still a bit much. As I understand it, the Masawa ore is "complex", mining-speak for troublesome. Having paid $146 per ounce in the ground (ignoring price bonus later) this deal could produce a hiccup or two along the way to the promised land!