Holy Mooly. We just Sold Double Our MC In Weed What do you think will happen to sp when news comes out and those numbers are released and that's just the first of many more crops on a loop.? The only wild card is how good will this weed be and being it's our niche we could hit over 30% thc with 25% being great weed and up . With the latest news coupled with our Genetic library and Ph.D. Mobini on the job the likelihood we hit around or above 30% is a good bet . Word of mouth will spread fast and I would expect a big boy to JV with SUGR just so the big boys can do something interesting with that weed as Weed 2.0 is apon us . Edibles , Oil, Beverages . It's all on the table and Premium weed will bring a ton of attention to SUGR as we all know there's lots of scagg weed out there . It's going to be a Happy New Year for all the SUGR longs . Tic , toc , to 2020 . Its not that far away . JMO. Cheers .