3rd Annual Mines and Technology Conference, London England I never looked specifically at the speakers in attendance and it has me very enthused.
G's main reason for going there wasn't just to pump the tires on his own company but rather to extol the virtues of Steinert's Ore Sorting capabilities (and likely how it is benefitting his gem of a business).
So the mix of speakers there was a serious melange of MAJOR players from Hecla mines to major investment managers. A perfect mix of big name businesses and the people who see investment opportunities in a stealthy bull market.
What if G made a compelling case to this group and allow me to speculate for fun, but someone with DEEP pockets (to whom a few million bucks is NOTHING) could look objectively at their operation and say:
"Sooooo, you're telling me that I write you a cheque and I get some shares at price x plus warrants.....that's all you need to get your mine producing profitably ...immediately? The only thing stopping this operation is you just need funds?"
One person or a consortium would realize their capital is not terribly at risk, they will basically see their capital returned quickly PLUS a potentially HUGE return.
If I'm an investment manager looking for interesting stories that most don't know about, I'm going to fund a very interesting story called Bayhorse and make some money.
All of this is purely presumptive and leaning HEAVILY on the Captain Duff notion of G's nuanced use of past tense when it came to discussing funding.
It just seems like a no-brainer to me. If you've got access to serious money and a company like BHS is literally waiting to hit the button on production but can't start "printing money" until someone gives them the key, why wouldn't a real investor step in and move them ahead and make money in the process, bags and bags and bags of money?