Don’t give up on Trog and Egrifta sales In my opinion, there is too much expectation put on the NASH project. I do not believe NASH will double or triple the price of the stock given the competition in that field of research at this time. Yes the stock will react to a Phase III announcement, but management will need to indicate the potential sales just like it did with Trogarzo at the time. The anticipated market size and sales for Trogarzo are what really fueled the stock price.
Now even with slower Trogarzo sales, we own a company that generates around $80 million - and perhaps closer to $100 million in a year in sales. Don't you think the company owes shareholders a business plan to make a profit on those sales? When you sell a product and you don't make any money on it, either your price is too low or your costs are too high. I would challenge TH management on this issue, ie make a profit out of the sales generated. Convince the market that they are efficient operators and are following a clear plan, as well as showing vision for the future.
Show us a plan that will generate EPS of 0.10, 0.15, 0.25. Gaining confidence will bring investors, not wishful thinking.