364 million usd rev 2020 with no growth.If you go to a trulieve retail store and price out the average item like 1/8 oz of flower the lowest price is $35 usd. Based on available OMMU data trulive is currently selling 7 million usd worth of products every week in Florida alone in their stores on the low end. There are 1/8 oz that cost $54 usd. 7 million x 52 weeks = 364 million usd in retail sales on the low side, without any new patients or stores being added. This is also not accounting for potential legalization, or safe banking act passing, or many other catalysts that are on the horizon.
Truelieve also has a high level of support of the state government, and is not federally regulated in any way a pure medical play, that is highly respected within the communities they operate within.
The report released today is in conflict with the reality of the retail sales execution, and also Trulieve has a proven record of supplying their customers with over half of all state sales, offering over 200 skus of superior products. They also employ over 7000 people in Florida with a complete supply chain from seed to harvest, product creation to packaging, state wide delivery, and 41 top notch retail outlets, and 2500 physicians continuing to write prescriptions for new patients.
This is nothing like TRST, and this company is an unstoppable force within this industry. This situation is nothing short of a buying opportunity of a lifetime.