Insider Buying QuestionMicroCap shares have very little correlation with insider buying trends. This data is more indictive to larger sized companies where there are a number of executives and their are insentive programs for share ownership and lots of divisional executives. This is not the case in the microcap sector.
MedX's Directors and Management own well over 25% of the company shares I believe. That is a large holding if MedX doesn't work out. The senior executive team's salary is no where near what a comparable team would be at a mid-sized company. If you look at the debt on the balance sheet and short term loans they were all insiders that put in real money to make sure the company was in business. So I think it is fair to say the management and Board are deeply committed to this company and own lots of shares so if they execute as they predict they along with the current shareholders will do fine. In other words they appear all in and have too big a position to exit the side door if things turn ugly. So they either make it work or loose everything. I like this position more.