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Jack4000 wrote: Tired of these same well refuted arguments popping up again and again by trolls? Here’s a place with no repetitious bashing and lying - a place where even the trolls behave - and yes, so popular even our Stockhouse troll is an interested member who posts regularly - and civilly rather than the gibberish he’s so well known for here. https://join.slack.com/t/kalytera/shared_invite/enQtODY2NTUwOTk0MTY3LWU2YTMzYTMyM2I5MzlhZWNiODJlNjViYWIxZDBmZTBmZDQ1MjU5MTRjMGI0ZmI3ZjM0ZWYyNGRjMmRhN2EyOWU
Tired of these same well refuted arguments popping up again and again by trolls? Here’s a place with no repetitious bashing and lying - a place where even the trolls behave - and yes, so popular even our Stockhouse troll is an interested member who posts regularly - and civilly rather than the gibberish he’s so well known for here.
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