Gold reclaims $1,500/oz. for first time in seven weeksMiners can now breathe easier again, at least the succesful ones and i hope that Eldorado continues to strive to be one of them. It dosent matter how many great things are going for them - if they cant get it right in Greece then the Financial Analysts will always downgrade them for it, Olympias in Greece for example has been a major disappointment Quarter after Quarter with all kinds of excuses so if they dont get it right this time ( this Q4) then analysts will project the same lack of confidence into any future plans with Skouries too regardless of permits being almost granted. Let's hope the best for 2019 Q4 reults and beyond into 2020. Anyone else have any thots on this as it's been pretty quiet on this forum for a while...
Now onto an article to share...Merry Christmas to all & Happy New Year in 2020
Gold reclaims $1,500/oz. for first time in seven weeks Dec. 24, 2019 4:41 PM ET