RE:Re Westcanpridetaal wrote:
I feel your frustration...I think Oh Canada is correct in saying that if Fonterra could have(not wanted to because I'm sure they did) it would have been done by now..The share price is Very much controlled...Fonterra doesn't have to worry about hostile takeover...they control 75% and are totally in the driver's seat.There is no advantage to them to have a higher stock price they would not sell regardless.Unless they wanted to do a PP to outsiders which is highly unlikely.So we sit in frustration until the drill or an huge announcement on a favourable Jv ..Right now we are worth probably 5 times what we are trading at with 66%ownership..but if they keep throwing shares into the market to control the price what can you do...How could anyone take a large position in oyl(institution) without driving the share price to stratosphere...there is no REALshares available...No one promoting share price not cgx and certainly Not Fonterra they want oil revenues or a large buyout...I'll take the buyout...
I'm thinking a buyout at this point is very unlikley if we are correct in thinking that we have been kept alive and in the game for a reason