RE:RE:RE:RE:Order about the hearing procedures is released !!!I forgot that I had written to ICSID on timeline and had received their reply. it is normally 4 months from conclusion of hearing, with a possible extension of 2 months. See below, eps. last paragraph.
Dear Mr. XXX,
The ICSID Convention and Additional Facility Rules do not provide for a maximum duration a case may take. This is highly dependent on the facts of the case and include such elements as the schedule set by the Tribunal, the complexity of the case, length of time parties require to prepare their submissions and the number of interim motions proposed by parties. The average duration of an ICSID case is 3.5 years. Recently, the Centre has placed a particular emphasis on practices that reduce the duration and cost of arbitrations while respecting the due process rights of the parties. These include:
(i) Requiring tribunals and ad hoc committees to report to the parties on the timing of outstanding decisions or awards;
(ii) Encouraging tribunal consultations immediately prior to hearings and in-person deliberations immediately after hearings, and
(iii) Encouraging tribunal members to establish a budget at the outset of a case outlining anticipated arbitrator fees and expenses, and updating parties on costs incurred.
Note, however, that once the proceeding is closed the award must be signed in the next 120 days, with the possibility of an extension of 60 days. Usually it means that the tribunal has concluded that it has no further questions for the parties.
Best wishes,