Incompetence This is once again a clear sign of just how incompetent this team really is. Just add this plunder to the pile. If there was a mistake made with these 5 groups. Wow how incompetent to make such a mistake. If it was a reporting issues wow how incompetent to make such a mistake. If it was the company running the trials. Wow how incompetent. If if if if.... it doesnt matter how many times I read this release all I read is incompetence that is gonna hurt the company on every level. Why would the FDA even consider an approval when the trials had what appears to be a major problem? I could be wrong but the FDA is supposed to make sure these processes were run smoothly and properly.... not "oh hey we had great results except for this giant anomaly over here. Would you mind just ignoring that and push the drug through???" Oh.... " whats that? You want us to redo the entire process start to finish?" This is what I think we're all in for now. I cannot see the FDA approving this. We're all hoping for some miracle perfect explanation that proves the drug better and proves acasti's team competent. Not impossible, just not likely. I don't know about you but I need a drink. GLTA