RE:RE:RE:AIM ---- TMRC .....1 or 2 othersLol Harvey, very obviously you haven't read the key selection criteria for the current LRE & HRE tender from AFRL:
(1) Manufacturing Capability and Experience – Proposals will be evaluated on the recipient’s degree of demonstrated capability and experience in REE separation and processing. Evidence may include, but is not limited to, intellectual property, documented manufacturing capability and experience, technical specifications, and dossiers of key personnel.
USG very clearly seeking an experienced & proven REO processor distinct from a decade of PDF's, guess that's why TMRC rushing to try and pretend some "experience", while Jim's still flat out trying to build a cardboard facade.
The evaluation criteria are comprised of five factors ranked in descending order of importance:
(1)Manufacturing Capability and Experience
(2)Quality of Technical Approach
(3)Business Viability
(4)Merchant Supplier Orientation
No Magic Pudding, glossies, or BS guesswork required from where I'm sitting, just seven years hard data re development process, IP & mkt engagement in real time, tender specs actually read like they were written by Lynas' DC lobbyist.
GL with yer fantasy Harv, how much cash do you think Jim will have left end of Q after legal fees and all those colourful cardboard cut outs?