Pest extermination ToolHaving trouble with Pesty authors on your feed? Why not try our new handy dandy pest removal tool found right here, right now. Yes, with only a few mouse clicks on your computer you too can rid your feed of any number of pesky irritants plagueing your screen and here is how it's accessed.
First thing you need to do is hover your mouse pointer over the subject line of the offending pest, then click your mouse which changes the window to focus in on the post. Look for User Actions under the author's name, click on it and a window will pop up with 4 options. Choose the first option which is "Ignore this user". Click on it then return to your former screne. Easy as that!
I hope you have found this interesting and informative. I discovered this nifty little tool after being bombarded with hateful comments by a Foxbat 143. Since then I have enjoyed a stress free month without reading "it's" hateful comments and lies. I notice as I read through that many more are experiencing this anoyance, so why not Try it for yourself and if it works give me a thumbs up because that will drive Foxbat out of "it's" mind. Stay tuned to read the response "it" gives.