CSE:PLNT.X - Post by User
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HickoryStickson Jan 16, 2020 11:41am
Post# 30560588
New medicine is on the horizon...
New medicine is on the horizon...I've been doing a ton of research in the psilocybin space in order to better understand the industry I'm now investing in, and have discovered a ton af amazing studies... “People who have been treated with psilocybin often rate their encounters with psilocybin as among the “most personally meaningful experiences of their entire lives,” Griffiths said. “It is fundamentally different than any other psychoactive drug. Because these experiences occur in most people, studies often look very similar to naturally-occurring experiences, and they appear to be biologically normal. That is, we seem to be wired to have such experiences. And the drugs seem to offer neuroplasticity, or the ability of the brain to change, he said, allowing people to get out of the habitual ruts they have put themselves in as new neuropathways are formed. Griffiths said people claim that “it feels like a home-coming or an epiphany that allows them to rewrite the narrative of their lives."