RE:RE: LiarsLying is purposefully misrepresenting. They never PROMISED anything and if you think they did, you're the greater fool. Striving for thing and not getting it, is another thing from guaranteeing something. I have no evidence they ever lied about deals they were trying to close.
So no, you're incorrect and you best read that article.
In October, PLUS was still a part of their business plan. Do you think it was THEIR idea to part ways? Use your head man. This is the startup, spec cannabiz. There are great hopes but lying incessantly will only guarantee the failure of a business.
These guys may be bumbling fools but I do not see them as deceptive liars. That would be fraud. So you DO have to watch your words because the companies can now go after YOU for slander.
Dp6969 wrote: I do believe there are a few lawsuits against weed companies already for misrepresentation. Have these liars closed any deals they said they would last year? Hence the word liars its very correct! I do bleieve Adam even said in October that this was the time to buy this stock, Posner also led us to beleive this company was the cream rising to the top in octboer as well! How has this company risen to the top 2 months later??