RE:Serious questionNope, I'd wait until monday to confirm uptrend on the charts and start cashing daily on her - Volume is up across the boards, and the amount of shares being syphoned off at the ATS levels tells me short positions are being covered. We're trading 1.1mm shares right now on the TSX and 1.5mm shares on the rest of the board, with another 450k shares in pink sheets. That's 2 MILLION shares that are being hidden from the retail investors. Reason why?
I think you're question was worded wrongly Meowzers. If you're a new investor(mid to long term), you're picking up shares at a 3 year low(very good). If you're a day trader you're chart watching and don't care about that(chart is shaping up well). If you're short and there aren't enough shares on the board to cover at a decent price... what happens then?
meowmeowmeow wrote: Pretend this was your first time investing in FIRE - would you invest now at $0.59?
3month PT?