Doughertybetter dedicate some time to find out who on management or on the board is leaking information ahead of these announcements. It’s starting to become a little too obvious when shorters start lining up to sell a couple of weeks before a company announcement. Not Just because it’s the umpteenth time our resident bad-mouth, Sheepbaa appears a week or 2 before a hit, but also on other investor blogs as well. Just read article a week ago on Seeking Alpha where the author Durret has AR as a top 10 buy. However, on Monday he suddenly turned sour on Argonaut - just like he knew this announcement was coming. The huge blocks of shares put up for sale last week is another indication that the cat was out of the bag ahead of the CEO’s announcement. Dougherty is wearing this until he plugs the leak. It’s illegal and something the stock securities commission should start looking into.