RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:bombardierGood analysis SD
When you start looking at the big picture and putting aside all the noise and negative.
It’s not as bad as it looks... Time will tell... but at this price you have at least to consider this play.
Good weekend to all
- As of Dec 2019
> 600 + A220 Firm orders / Delivered 105 / Still a huge backlog of 495 planes !
495 x +- 60M = 30 Billions in receivables... / 34% Ownership
Already a succes story
> BT is still struggling with cash burn in half a dozen legacy projects. They where optimistic to say the least and unfortunatly mist big on their projection for recovery in 2019 but eventualy these will go away most likely in 2020 /
They have to date more than 35 Billions in signed deals / 87,5 % Ownership
> Total assets and liabilities sales will generate more or less 3 Billions in cash flow by end of 2020.
> Global sales are ramping up / 15 Billions in sign deals / 100% Ownership
Todays market cap /+- 3 Billions / All Shares
Bbd.a / 308 746 929 outstanding shares
Bbd.b / 2 064 745 274 outstanding shares
+- 9 Billions in debts
Total business units asset value / +- 16 Billions
BT / 7-8 Billions
JV with AB / 1 Billions + ?
BA / 6-7 Billions