RE:Climate Change and Oil DevelopmentFantome wrote: A few days ago I posted a regerence to a video from a person who..until recently....was clearly a renewable energy fact he was an architect of Obama's renewable energy plan which involved hundereds of millions of dollars for renewable energy technologies....rememebr Solindra??
With all due respect to the people here...there wasn't any real discussion here on that i can only assume that most people didn't video the 17 minute video...
Sooo...basically he after being part of the "movement"..concluded that renewable energy will not work and more importsntly found that renewable energy projects such as solar are responsible for enormous environmental damage to wildlife and enangered speciie such as the desert tortoise...windmills kill thousands of birds...etc..
The fact of the matter is that the world will require oil for the foreseable future....if Canada doesn't produce the energy due to Government policy then people will get the oil from somewhere else and Canada will be the loser
From the previous paragraphs it is also important to note that the argument about environmental damage from say the oil sands is in essence likely to be less than the damage from renewable energy develoments such as solar and wide according to the guy in the video..
Further it is clear from documented evidence that the potential for environmental damage from oil spills from pipelines is orders of magnitude less than the potential from rail transport or ship transport.
Sooo..when you look at all...the use a military essentially shooting Canadians in the foot by putting the riffle at the bendied knee and shooting throught he leg down to the foot!!
This needs to stop!!!!
I watched the whole 17 minutes and came away wanting to buy some cameco. it was basically a nuclear informercial.
oil - bad
nenewables - questionable
nuclear - the lesser of all evils.
that was my take.