RE:Great Q4The NAV value times shares o/s less current debt gives a share price of approx $3.50 per share. Bte is undervalued by half and is worth more broken up. Every significant quarterly debt reduction should result in a bump up in the share price. Barring a major oil price correction down the share price should recover in succession. Geopolitical flux upward could create new hedging opportunities to lock in the debt reduction. Will probably be up 3 cents tomorrow as oil is off LOL over night. I am going to let this play out as the share price recovery should begin the accelerate from here as value investors wake up. It is going to be impossible to ignore the free cash flow as the debt ice berg melts away. If value investors do not come then a share buy back and or dividend will do the job. This is looking really good....two more strong quarters should leave Bte locked and loaded...