Still buying while low, for bigger profits at .11 wait&see Gotta point this out for everyone to see. When manipulated stock is artificially supressed to a marginal price. Shares get accumulated by savy schemers. Then a bit of news is released to pump up interest causing an increase in share value to a pre arranged amount. As retail interest peaks and the price is no longer supressed by the use of the ATS The alternate trade system "legal in Canada but illegal the world over" by Annonimous manipulators, ie: "most often management" the shares previously purchased are now dumped on the unsuspecting retail investor. Interest in the stock subsides and the price slides back down to previous lows. This scenario is then repeated over and over again. If someone like myself stumbles upon the scheme and tries to make it public for all to see. The company employs professional detractors to discredit the news and the individual reporting the news.
For example:
Share price $0.08 the low purchase price. "Managements purchase target" they accumulate shares at this price from weary shareholders giving up on the low value and sell out". Once enough is collected. Good news is published to make shares more atractive. "Managements job"
Retail reads the news, management may or may not make a sizable purchase from itself as annonimous investors on the ATS to start the increase in share price.
Retail investors, thinking they are getting in on the ground floor of a good investment begin to pile in buying more shares and in turn more people see the rise in value because at such a low value $0,01 = 13.5% and $0.02 = 25% can add up to sizable profits and of course greed takes over with most investors due to it being human nature to seek imidiate profit.
Management meanwhile sits back patiently waiting for the scheme they cooked up to capture more and more interest, selling dribs n drabs of stock. "because they have all the stock" untill the price hits what they want and they then sell off as much as they can raking in a fortune.
For example the price hits $0.12 per share. That is an increase of 50% "not much to look at in dollar value but its the percentage value that is important to be aware of.
This outfit has almost a billion shares out.
At $0.12
100 shares = $12 a profit of $4
1000 shares =$120 a profit of $40
10000 shares = $1200 a profit of $400
100000 shares = $12000 a profit of $4000
Now keep in mind to that Management does'nt pay anything for the shares they own. As proof look at the 58 million they just granted to themselves already this month.
Hmmmm? Think about it now? These characters aren't interested in the MJ busines, their only interest is profiting from this rinse and repeat system of fleecing retail investors of their investments.
As always just callin em as I see em. Hope this helps you.