RE:Its so obvious guys0to60in3secflat wrote: This thing will bounce as soon as they close the 1.08/share deal for 25 million, they need stock to be down so that we vote in favour, what you think stock will b e1.4/share going into a vote to buy at 1.08? all the 2.0 news is going to come out after teh february vote, this is so obvious, ive been buying im below 1 dollar average now, which is an easy short term gain, i suggest you guys buy in cheap because once deal closes stock will rally to at least 1.2, now im long and strong, jsut noticing obvious oppurtunity.
It took a year of buying to get under a buck to 86 cents in Cash stock account . Tired of continually pumping money to average WMD SP down sold all at .81 last week for a slight loss.
Put another 6 grand in my TFSA stock account beginning of January to average down all my WMD shares in there to $1.41 Its gonna take a long time for WMD SP to rise. No choice but keep WMD long and strong in TFSA account for "What is so obvious guys"
Noticing obvious oppurtunity invested all cash money into retailer FAF last week. Guess what after a year waiting actually making money now. WMD get your sh!t together so I don't have to look at a negative 42.67 % loss in the TFSA anymore.........Thanks for nothing !!!