If the previous $1.15 Option's are being exercised . . .With this happening and the board granting themselves more shares coinsiding with share price at an all time low . . . This leads me to speculate something is in play. Now, with this board it is obvious, shareholder sentiment means nothing to them. They have used Shareprice as a vehicle to build the brick n mortar aspects of the business. Then they have used Share $ manipulation to strengthen the boards controling interests ensuring a posible takeover would not occur while shuffling board members to dodge legal ramifications with their scheme. These guy's are smart, sneeky and almost criminal. I sold out three weeks ago and bought BLDP. Did OK, sold high and bought back in for 11.50 thursday. So I found myself with a lil bit of $ left over. Seeing Zena at $0.135 I bought back in. The company has substance and I do believe it will increase in value shortly, before the end of February when earnings are anounced or if there is a merger, which I suspect is in play. The entire industry will soon see major consolidation I think. Realistically speaking I think Share price will reach over $0.40 to $0.60 before settling back to run at $0.32. As always just callin em as I see em. I hope this helps you.