$$$$$ Surprise Surprise Alot of investors were thinking it was pretty well all over with GYA.V, roll back, default, etc
To be honest it look like that with the shares off and down from 20-25 cents in 2019
Alot of investors wondered about the cash position in the company and its abiloty to fund itself.
Some called for heads to roll ...........
Today we have this news on a $9 M financing.
Maybe the parent company Zijin Mining Group is involved since the Zijin Resource Funds are 20% owners .... in at 25 cent PP for $3.2M in 2018.
Maybe the Zijin Funds called upon the Zijin Mining Group to buy the gold and finance GYA with the long term goal of a 100% buy out ?
Just my thoughts ...but happy to have the $$$$$ Surprise Surprise !