CanaccordThere saying that Apple is appealing the suit???? 2020-01-28 08:19 ET - In the News The Globe and Mail reports in its Tuesday, Jan. 28, edition that Canaccord Genuity analyst Doug Taylor, with an unchanged "buy" rating, hiked his share target for Quarterhill to $2.40, from $1.75, after a San Diego jury ruled on Friday that Apple must pay the company $82.5-million (U.S.) in damages for infringing on patents related to wireless communications. The Globe's David Berman writes in the Eye On Equities column that the ruling on Friday is the result of a retrial. In 2018, a jury ruled in favour of Quarterhill, and awarded the company $145-million in damages. Mr. Taylor believes, to some degree, that the award has already been priced into the stock. Mr. Taylor says in a note: "Given that Apple has already appealed this suit, we believe this number represents a firm value. In addition to the immediate boost to the company's already significant cash position, we think that this win validates the quality of WiLAN's patent portfolio which has also recently been effective in cases against LG and several Canadian telecom service providers (Rogers, Telus and Bell) late last year. We understand that there remains opportunity to further monetize these patents with respect to