Ivan's on the Road......PLEASE STAND BY!The two other names came and went once I heard Ivans name was mentioned.
But at the time, I was standing with Frank Holmes and he thought that was impressive for Ross to have singled out those three, in a world of thousands in mining. He spoke right after Ross and in fact his presentaion is available on his web site and there is a link to an interview he did right after his speach on Sunday morning on Kitco.
But I have reached out to Cambridge to see when they will upload the link to that interview.
DIA I sound like a broken record, perhaps Ivan over load, but with that said, were within a month of the PDAC and most companies want big news out before this event, so they can talk unfilterd to whom and when ever. I recieved an email over night from a fund manager I deal with, he said he saw Ivan yesterday in Toronto
and was very enthusiastic about this story, he believes its one of the best stories to come out of Vancouver for 2020. and value proposition for three opportunities remains strong. Also of importance, they have a fully functional office/operation in Peru ( did any one notice the adds on CNN this weekend from Tourisum Peru?) "The Richest Country in the World" Available on you tube .....
I understand they have been in the field in Curibaya and more results are on way to the lab....as they do preliminary work in the field. Sombreo drilling starts within weeks ( kinda what happens when you know DIA is almost in hand & you have $$ ) and Curibaya permiting is commencing out of their fully staffed office in Peru, so ..
This was just posted a few days ago,
J 103 If you own this stock, why would you sell? Drilling to commence and a three way forward split in the stock, some one handed you a gift, dont abuse it and money is NOW NO LONGER AN ISSUE, lots of big people involved here, the shareholders list is a whos who in mining....and for sure the envy of the junior mining space.
When you meet Ivan, ask him about the share structure and whos involved, kinda like a wake up call in a hotel on Monday morning
Have a look at the KL 5 year stock chart, thats the hockey stick were on!!