RE:Hopefully they can find at least one other company besides There is little doubt in my mind that something is up and it involves a share price that will be multiples of .14. The two new Directors from Sparton not only sold their Consulting Company for stock but also put their own money in at a share price of .11. They would have done their due dilligence and whatever the plans were they would have been fully aware of them before they accepted shares at .11. In fact I believe that Raise needed their expertise in M&A and that tells me that ELS is very interested. My initial thoughts is these two would have access to wells that were depleted and or near depletion and Raise may start using their technology on their own wells and create cashflow with little investment. Who knows but these two new Directors are not void of business accumen so my take is be patient and in time i fully expect a three to five bagger from Raise.