Love your posts you are one of the only intelligent people here but I don't see Coke or Pepsi switching from PET to another source for bottles. At least for a long, long time due to the costs. They are high volume sales and every penny counts to their bottom line. A Green movement is not going to sway them without some type of cost benefit and I doubt the Hemp technology is any where close for that type of decision. I'm not getting my hopes up on this vertical.
Not criticizing just stating Coke and Pepsi's thought process having dealt with them in the past.
cashswing - (2/2/2020 12:11:40 PM) A GREENER HEMP WORLD Besides CBD extraction Hemp has hundreds of other applications from nutrition to construction material for its strenght and durabilty.One use that is sure to change the world is the use of Hemp to replace plastics.The first large company like Coke or Pepsi to replace their plastic bottles and other packaging with 100% biodegradable Hemp packaging will lead the world to change and proffit massively.Its not a matter of IF but when?I beleive when Terry Booth said Hemp could be bigger than Cannabis he is right when you look at the possibilties . Nelson Peltz touched on the subject last week if anyone watched him on CNBC.One of Auroras supply agreements may catch people by surprise in a world that is looking for a greener future....GL ALL CASH$$$$$$ |