RE:RE:RE:dcYes Sclarda, you and Joe / Mark / Martha are true Jack Azz's as that was WAY before purchasing exponentially more shares on the way down. Stop looking to a paid shill Sclarda, as you make yourself look more like a schmoe every time you do so! Sclarda is absolutely the biggest knucklehead here....continuously looking for the response from a paid shill! What a joke! Joe's (Mark / Martha, etc.) comments mean less than zero to anyone here for obvious reasons. As for you chucklehead Sclarda, my points remain the same as you quite purposely left out other posts I have made...I have continually been buying more shares on the way down from $1 US to the point where my shares will become even at about .58 US. Am I down right now, of course I am chuckleheads Sclarda and Mark / Martha. Joe Mark is a non-entity whereas Sclarda is just a dumb azz non-knowing sycophant. So, here is my message to you Sclarda the happy nonbeliever... take great joy in knowing I am underwater until the share price gets into the low 60's US because it won't last forever. I WILL continue to accumulate at these prices under .50 US until I reach the 250k shares owned threshold. And then, in the future, whether it be 1 or 3 years, I WILL be here to let you know when I cash out for ENORMOUS profits. Yes Sclarda, you are a pompous Jack Azz that looks to paid non-entity shills to back your comments! Hah, what a joke you are!