RE:IMHOthanks for this...just a few thoughts (below)
On Jan 15 2020 the sp opened at C$1.19. The sp closed at C$0.98 today. During a period of 15 business-days, from the opening on Jan 15 to the closing on Feb 04, the share prices have dropped $0.21 representing a decline of ~18%. However there were merely 225K shares traded per day on average. A daily average of 225K out of a float of about 250M shares (my estimation)? There was no panic selling to support the big drop in prices at all. Can such a drastic decline in sp be explained by the fluctuation of V2O5 prices? Not at all. In fact Vanadium has been on fire since the start of 2020 with FeV prices up 33% and V2O5 up 15%. So WTF is happening?
LV: Yes, WTF! I have noticed the low volume of late. Daily vol has typically been 20-40% of monthly avg. The collaborating manipulators have been chipping away at those that don’t have a solid grasp and those remaining – us longs – feel it. We must be at the core of the holding matter – as in – mostly long term ‘investors’. Scrub this down – even at these levels – and YES we longs should all be buying if we believe what we have said to believe for the longest time; that is, that the unshackling will help the profit line, that more opportunities will become available. Of course, the sales team now has to deliver on this….there will surely be some sort of roadblock along the way – BUT – we rely on ourselves (Largo) for the product. The selling part now is all that’s now needed… NOT ROCKET science!
Two words: Illiquidity and Manipulation. Illiquidity = fertile ground for manipulation. The bad guys behind Anonymous et all are messing with our stock.
LV: Yes, manipulation... cohersed, collaborative manipulation – no doubt…but what else that we cannot see??
The professional marketeers are working in concert, trading with each other, to push the sp down as much as they can so they can buy back or accumulate the stock at the lowest price possible.
LV: Creating trading flow is one thing but organized manipulation, if that’s what it may be, should be investigated. Largo should alert the OTC/TSX on this…pronto as, like you pointed out, the material that we are selling in the somewhat open market is going up and we are going down? Upside down market forces …under normal circumstances
We, the small fry, are being defrauded by the conspirators. So what should we do? Don’t know about you guys but I’ve decided to simply play their game by exploiting their artificial bearish situation and buying low..
LV: I have been doing my part (even bought at .82sh ) and, more importantly, Minsk has as well… REMEMBER …. Paolo has been putting skin in the game… when it counts. Yes, on the other hand, Cleaves has been selling on the other side of the office.
It is impossible for me to time the bottom perfectly so “low enough” is good enough for me. I would think twice before adopting such a strategy at the risk of seeing my investment disappear in smoke if the stock turned out to be of a bad company. For me the risk is well worth taking because I do strongly believe in the future of Largo.
LV: I fully agree although – Largo has to do something additional (?) to attract new investors. Largo also has to check with the stock market authorities on exactly what may have transpired in the last couple of weeks
I’m not licensed to give any financial / investment advice. You should DYODD and avoid taking what you read from total strangers on this BB at its face value especially from those who are pretentious faux-shareholders.