On the cusp of calamity- not cerrovirus relatedHumans are beginning to help themselves deal with the ghastly calamities associated with climate change. In Calif. forestry experts are explaining in detail what each homeowner must do to protect their homes from wildfire. Here in Boston consultants are analyzing flood risk on homes with Fanny May Freddy Mac mortgages and rebuild in place funds are much harder to get.
Aussies are still in shock over their wild fire calamity; but the entire continent is talking more EV purchases plus uses of renewable energy EV mining is here to stay in A.
What calamity am I refering to in the title? Well for the last year WGBH here in Boston has been periodically sending a reporter to antartica to grasp the effect of climate change on that continent. Bear in mind that the entire state of Florida is 6 feet above sea level. Miami is lagely at sea level as is about 40% of Manhattan Island in NYC. Our most famous wall builder who moved his residence to Florida recently found out about the Manhattan wall and scoffed at it as a joke. Rather than lead a productive/constructive reponse, he left his response as just the scoff.
WGBH found that given ocean water temperature rise, icebergs are melting from below;AND an iceberg the size of Texas may calve off to float in the ocean in the next year. Scientists told WGBH that that one ice berg may raise sea levels 5-6 feet. Coastal properties could be gone overnight. The entire world is going to have to reach for and use LI to slow climate change as they work to lessen damage from existing climate change
In Iowa which faces annual enormous floods, the #1 issue in this past caucus was climate change, so we are begiing to notice our various calamities. Should Wall St and Miami be wiped out overnight, this calamity will be far more dramatic than cerovirus. We are invested in the right place at the right time.