RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Newton interview?Z: again are are you talking for the first 12 months of production or for the medium term?
I agree that there would be no feed problem for the short while, but I am not sure that Mr. Mugerman confirmed that there was no issue in the medium or long terme. That’s the reason there are some discussions about other strategic metals or mine concentrate.
We have to make sure that we discuss about the same thing...
Happy that you think that Montviel is out of the picture. But looking forward to hear it from GMA!
zardoz00 wrote: The way I understand this, they will be no magnet supplying problems. GMA has a LOI with RockLink, one with a U.S. based magnet manufacturer, negociations with chinese magnet manufacturers, intents with Qubec recycling faculities etc... and as the reputation of GMA grows with time the sourcing will become easier. There is much more used magnets and waste than what the GMA business plan wants to recycle in the next 5 years.
By that time thay may be on their way to building a bigger plant in asia, probably Japan to get closer to the raw sources there.
And forget Montviel it is not economcally sound to exploit.