RE:Time to revisit the potential ...........
I totally agree, Canopy Growth is going to surprise the negative short term thinking people and its going to be fun to watch just like Tesla did. Time to revisit the potential ........... Remember, unexpected things happen, when you expect the least. It reminds me of Tesla's recent rise. People (incl. big boys) thought Tesla was not going to be in profit for years and they shorted the stock like hell and to their surprise, Tesla released earnings with profit (and followed up in the next quarter) and you know the rest of the story. This whole board and messages are now full of negatives as if sky is falling. Yes, situation is not good but it's not that bad to write of Canopy yet. I would say just go back and revisit all the plans and potential that brought Canopy to the top. Make a list of things and put on your computer so it reminds always that everything is still in place. Whatever is happening now is a temporary thing and it happens with a new evolving sector and with every new company. This Friday could be a big surprise. Fingers crossed!