RE:Mcclatchey bankruptsyWith this bankruptsy, another reason why TS worth .45 per share. At the end even if they work hard at getting paywall members, they still won't be profitable. Now for me, the only exit is to sale or giveaway or close everything related to newsroom and news at all..
Just keep the participation, VS, Blue ant.. And reinvent the Torstar brand with the remaining cash and most of all, focus on Verticalscope, where you still have 180M invest and can have a futur (maybe).
For the Star and all the local stuff, sorry but it's over!! Unless you call yourself, Barron's, wallstreet journal or maybe Globe and mail..
La Presse in Mtl who have no competition and plenty of good sponsors and publicitie, is not doing is cost as a non-profit with record donators this year..
It's over over over, I read you all and a new management team won't do much by still focusing on The Star!
I will take my lost soon :))) A little miracle next earning is if VS make money, that is the only thing that can help the share to go up!! Cash mean nothing if your plan is to burning it until you end up as everyone in the news industry, bankrupt!