RE:the warrants and the debentures
DoubleIndemnity; refer to the December 10, 2012 release for the recapitalization. The receivers of the debentures were the previous unsecured credit facility holders (18.1 million par), the medium term note holders (81.9 million), and previous unsecured debenture holders (7.5 million). You must have had a small amount of Yellow debt in the past.
Warrants were distributed to previous debentureholders (484,487), preferred shareholders (1,045,509) and common shareholders (1,465,513).
Nothing prevents them from doing an open market purchase of the debentures but at 105 I do not believe it is that economical compared to the other option of waiting until May 31, 2021. Of course if the stock is trading well above $20.94 (110% of $19.04) then we'll see an early redemption. Based off of today's trading action I'm not holding my breath!!