RE:and dont sweat it with the bashers"Someone posting none stop (non-stop) on a trading board is buying" So what does your 9 pages worth of Bullboard posts since Sept 2019 on Liminal say about you? Pumper?
A lot of the folks on this board who you are calling bashers are more likely investors that got burned when Thomvest pulled their little financial hardship bs and as you put it acquired 85% of the company.
Now you will probably say move on, go away, get over it, stop whining so that way you can continue to pump and cheerlead this stock on this board uncontested to naive investors.
Well sorry I am over it but I am not going away and I am certainly not buying but I do feel an obligation to at least warn any potential new investors to at least check the factual history of Liminal and consider the true risks as a counter to the non-stop cheerleaders.