The hype is done - nothing left to seeWhoever posted about new millionaires being born today was cracked. If you bought last 3 days, you gambled, plain and simple. The company is offloading a sustainable business that will be relevant for decades to come in order to prioritize private jets that serve the 0.1%. These products are being challenged and bans are being requested in many jurisdictions. The end is near. The Quebec government via CDPQ certainly won by securing jobs, yielding 15% annual return on their 2015 BT investment of $1.5B. Today they have 2 board seats in alstom and an observer seat. They cashed out of BT. The Cseries is doing well and expanding and the government will recoup their investment overtime through economic impact (employee taxes, supply chain, new firms and investments in region, and obviously payout of the program itself when it becomes profitable). BBD.B shareholders are left holding bags.