RE:i have been adding in low 1.5'scyanide5 wrote: I have been adding in low 1.5's for last month or so.. dipped into with a decent position now. MUX has taken a big hit over last 18 months in a rising gold price. With silver moving now as well and MUX producing 3 Million ounces, this will have a real impact on AISC especially if silver goes above 20 dollars.
Furthermore, all the bad news seems to be baked in now and grey fox and black fox complex is producing some really good drill results. If they can increase the size of the deposit there which i am sure has a great chance then this should pay off in dividends esp if gold continues it march.
This is easily a 3 dollar stock when turn around story starts to take hold and those gold/silver margins make an impact on top line.
Good luck and fingers crossed!
Great post and gold is going nuts !!
Will MUX hit $1.50 today? GL