OptGreen wrote: Has nothing what so ever to do with rosey anything for me md, this is strickly business for me....rosey is maybe something for the cakes and misguided to play but I have real green invested here and I can't imagine that anyone with real dollars of any size, especially longs, are interested in rosey either.
FIRE is a start up business in a brand new sector and whatever way you want to slice it, the company is in a process to grow and achieve success and profitability like all the rest, with the same issues and concerns in varying degrees...some of the problems are self inflicted while many others are environmental forces and FIRE is in better shape than most to survive and even the most 'successful' in the sector are very bit of, if not more, in the much the same state. All of which are suffering to a large degree because of the mess the governments, both provincial and federal, have and contimue to create on several levels.
The entire sector is struggling with issues in their bid to survive, all are trading at less than 50% of their 52wk highs most days and have been for some time...of those FIRE is in better stead than most to increase it's value and SH value while being of the first to realize profit, if not the first. The biggest in the sector have plenty of pain to deal with in the near term if not longer while FIRE will change their own course with the packaging and processing improvements operational and distribution of a top quality product menu, of which will be expanding in the short term and beyond, and on the shelf.
FIRE is all cashed up, a product line up that is second to none in the industry, and should be up to full production within the next few months and they need nothing more than the time to complete what they have on the table....and they will generate the sweetest balance sheet in the sector all the way through, with real profit before most if not all while several may not exist in 2021.
FIRE will prabably never be the largest company in the sector, as your can't mass produce quality at scale. but they can supply plenty and along with the added growth from and expansion of BlissCo and Truvera. With current assets fully operational, all the bugs ironned out they can repeat the operation elsewhere going forward as well, maybe US, Europe?
Whatever the case FIRE is in control of it's own destiny and as long as it contiues on the current path, dotting all the I's and crossing all the T's along the way, they just need to get their menu on the shelf and keep those shelves supplied and with continued proper management the opertunities are endless.
I have been involved with many projects of varying size and understand what they are doing and why, that the time frame for what they are doing is inevitable and could come in earlier or later than estimated based on many factors....I am not expecting the SP to do anything until they are up/running and generating revenue. This is the same for all in the industry and I still see FIRE in a special niche and all that is required is the execution of their business plan, while maintaining proper money and overall management, like any other comapany in any sector on the path to success, JMHO...Opt
maritimedreamer wrote: oh opt..... sometimes i wonder how rosey those glasses are my friend....... Supreme needs to prove themselves all over again... and a takeout is very possible at these deflated prices...... right now our focus should be on when 2.0 is rolling out and what this new partnership will bring us.....