PME rocking up , MMP.un now at a bigger discountFor the longest time MMP.un traded cloer to NAV and PME was always at a bigger discount.
NOW PME WITH THE BIGGER yield is up .08 today, or about 3.74 %
and MMP.un with almost identical holdings is only up .03 or about 1.85%
The NAV for PME yesterday went up only .16% yesterday, while gold and silver both shot up. Top 2 holdings were down tho, and i believe MMP.un has similar holdings. Altho yesterday MMP.un managed a slightly bigger gain , at .2%, but that could be just the difference in cash held in the two funds. Been a long time since we got an update that showed any differences between the holdings in these 2 funds from C I Funds .( formerly Sentry)