RE:Calm Yourself, Ausheds/Tim, breathe deep, In mouth, Out noseDragon, you can't say you weren't warned, reality is going to hit you like a ton of bricks from a great height, shortly.
To some degree you can blame the pumpers that have filled your head full of total BS MRT, now RSX, absolutely nothing has been proven commercially, or at any scale, and you are totally reliant on PR for your ridiculous claims, neither process has had ANY financial data revealed whatsover, and both have been sitting on the shelf gathering dust for years now.
RSX got some DOD funding around 2016, where did that go, back on the shelf.
As to Lynas you have no idea, hunkered down in your own little fantasy world, but they have made enormous advances in recoveries right thru the process from Mt Weld, value add in process and cost effectiveness, a lot of which you could actually see if you ever took the blinkers off.
And do you know the most important thing? All these efforts have had one primary objective, meeting the needs & wants of customers, the people that pay the bills. If you have never owned and run a successful business you'll probably never understand the significance.
Best of luck Dragon, but you really do need to sharpen up a lot, and quickly.