Not much more to sayIt's now official . Every share that has ever been purchased in this company in it's entire history is now in a loss position . This is a company that has 42 million PLUS 25 million for Hamilton sale equals 67 million in cash or 83 cents in cash per share and SUPPOSEDLY no debt . . We are at 37 cents because nobody and I mean nobody has any faith in this management group . Even management and / or directors have no interest in submitting significant buy orders . I will hold my 23 thousand plus shares to zero if necessary , but I will never put a nickel of investment in a non voting stock again . We can't go bankrupt , if there is no debt , but it wasn't that long ago thatTorstar had 440 million dollars from the Harlequin sale . It's TOTALLY gone . What's left is the 40 some million they get from their Concord Ontario facility flus the 25 million they will get from the Hamilton sale . I think I made a BIG Boo Boo buying this stock .