RE:RE:RE:TgifYou have the address and can now reprot back on the facility.
do you want to share any info, pics location stage of developement- it the facility actually there?
How about the video? Please share it, you have gone silent, if you are not passively bashing?
You were provided the info you requested?
Hennessey's wrote: Location, I have a right to know..I don't think the pres.has anything to do with it haha I listened to a WebCam interview with the people running the foul language was ridiculous and absolutely unprofessional I wasn't very impressed I hope I'm wrong I can live with the foul language but not the lying without knowing where the facility is i've been in Vegas a week I have not seen 1933 anywhere and I'm not bashing I'm just telling the truth and nobody here I'll use brains and big shot business men can't give me an address what else is an investor supposed to think