RE:No need to spin out anything...Hi All, Nothing has changed but time itself and progress too. As always do your DD. When new to this forum, take that time and review the history of bloggers here. Can reveal a story or two. The following is one statement that surprised me from this blogger Rain, as follows: The 'Powders' seem to be the one that will drive earnings, once they start selling....... Simply unbelievable ! Review PYR's powder partnership with the French firm that started a year ago, review the facts of 2 shifts plus overtime shifts to address the powder market demands, AP & C ( a competitor - GE) @ best making 11-12 kg/ hr of powder on a good day vs PYR making more than 25 kg/hr, geee whiz & where do you think this PYR powder is going ? Moving forward, as time is precious, an ignore re: this poster does work very well for me. This is one luxury we can enjoy on this site. Best wishes All Longs & my very best regards to the hard working staff @ PYR, Sincerely, Topseeker