OTCPK:SPLID - Post by User
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geodcanon Mar 03, 2020 5:46pm
Post# 30762985
DurfyNew CEO of Nut High has been around as a director since Jan 2018 so had a part in this shytshow. Another seat warmer gulpin' our air and capital. It seems that management and directors are making a last ditch effort to dump the best part of this whole circus and then what! When I first invested in this, I thought they had a good idea and were on it in a timely fashion. The expertise they bought to the table became questionable almost immediately but they did push the sp to a dollar. They seemed to be advancing the company on the successes of others and were quick to rub elbows and suggest deals with movers and shakers that were getting things done. Hindsight tells me that this was mostly smoke and mirrors and the deals were more imaginary than real. Big alarm bells but masterful promoters doing the best of fluff nrs that sucked new investors in while they continued to go in circles like a one winged fly, not really getting anywhere and decimating the shareprice. Again, we are getting another half-baked deal and some old blood being ressurected as the messiah. In my first conversation with Posner, I got the impression that they could stick to the gameplan but he lost points with me with his enthusiasm for the uses for weed which is where I think his expertise was focused and confirmed by personal research, I guess. When Jim Frazier showed up I talked with him and found a very sincere individual that gave the impression that he was there to get some edibles happening after the failure of a string of cordon bleu chef's attempts. He was hogtied from day one imho and I understand he is doing well in Florida with a well recognized brand of chocolates. At this point I guess my hope for this is a Sander's win and Federal legalization of marijuana for rec and pharma because I don't think we have a hope and a prayer that what we have left is worth anything after the Calyx deal happens. These magic men will make that money dissappear too. glta and dyodd