Buy below Cash I can't comprehend how people can sell shares at this level. We are officially below the cash asset value. Nevermind the $100M already invested. Nevermind the patents. Nevermind the primary mining rights. Nevermind the feasibility study and engineering. We literally have $50M in cash and are now trading below that for a market cap. I guess if I could have foreseen this I would have bought at this level.
We have kicked the can down the road for a full decade now. Right into a downturn where raising money will be next to impossible. I am not much for corporate socialism, but this is a project that we needed ten years ago. This opens up a whole new industry for Alberta, and is greener than grass. The tailings ponds are the number one weapon of choice to use against Fort McMurray to stall and block pipelines. If ever there was a project that demanded the government to push forward by whatever means necessary this is it.
Build this now through the corona crisis, and be ready to produce as demand ramps up.
BamBam101 Due Dilligence 101