...time to wake up folks10 years ago when gold hit 1800-1900$ levels the the TSX Venture Exchange was
at 3000 points..mostly carried my micro juniors like Eas...today the index number is
600 points!.....the regulators are making it very difficult for big money to invest
into micro juniors...ie huge money now going into gold Etf’s..but those funds cannot
invest directly into gold junior financings! Capital markets are big part of the problem
.....this will change As more investors see value of gold juniors..JMO!
this sector is about to explode! For Eas to be trading at 3.5 cents is absolutely
ridiculous! Just my opinion..do your own DD...Stop blaming Eas management
And Indonesia gov’t etc! The value is there...this market. Is about to wake up!
Gold juniors are about to wake up...on our way to 1900$ gold once again!