Can crew energy survive? All this forgien investment leaving Canada is doing nothing to fight "climate change" because OPEC+ and USA can easily substitute for Canada. "Climate Change" cannot be fought with cheap oil. Now developing countries have a cheap source of energy to industrialize and urbanize with.
I do believe that this is the beginning of the end for "climate change " hysteria it will take a few years and this summer will be the absolute worst involving leftist radical blockages which will leave a stain on the Liberal government.
Ask yourself where is all the green energy? I don't see it, I don't see any society around the globe doing anything the can drastically change how it functions without oil.
Oil is cheap because there is an oversupply thanks to the USA and the slowdown of the global economy. It has nothing to do with oil & gas being substituted with green energy. Almost everything we use today is a petroleum by product. If developing countries develop with cheap oil there demand for a 1st world lifestyle will also increase which means a greater production of petroleum by-products.