Coronavirus epidemic, The tip of the iceberg and it begins with animals.
Maybe Mr.Chen can talk to his friends in China and tell them to wake up.
Expect more to happen as China has not learned it's lesson from SARS.
Here's why these epidemics occur. Because Asian countires will eat anything, that has 2 eyes, can walk or swim, or they can turn them into unproven medicinal products.
Their sanition measures have low surveillance in huge black markets of illegal animals. Many markets operate with conterfeit government permits. Also the Chinese prefer " warm meat ' that is meat that is freshly slaughtered and not chilled.
That desire is at the heart of why diseases such as avian flu in poultry and ASF have been so difficult to eradicate, with huge movements of live animals from all over the country – from farm to slaughterhouse to market – on a daily basis making controlling the spread of disease incredibly difficult.
Asian countries are now responsable for the sixth extinction of animal species.
Black Bears Paw market:…/463086/what-213-severed-bear-paws-loo…
Bear bile market:
Totaoba fish bladder black market is also responsable for the near exticntion of Vaquita Dolphins In the Gulf of California which are caught in the gillnets caught now there are only 10 Vaquitas left in the wild)…/fish-bladder-big-business-c…/
Dog meat market 90% are stolen family pets and the skins used in leather products.…/why-chinas-dog-meat-market-has-…
Pangolin scales black market:…/hong-kongs-black-market-pangolin-sca…
Elephant Ivory:- Good news…/wildlife-watch-hong-ko…
Rhino horns:…/dark-world-of-the-rhi…/
Dolphin and whale market in Taiji Japan:…/s…/the-cove-weekly-updates/
Tigers black market:…/animal-farmssoutheast-asia-…
Tiger bones and blood:
Seahorse black market::…/project-seahorse-conservation-vers…/
Bush meat black market:…/WS5e2aedeba3101282172732…
Shark fin black market resulting in the millions of sharks dying because they can't swim anymore after having their pectoral fin cut off.…/marine-gold-rush-demand-shark…
The palm oil and cattle raising industry also resposible for so much deforestation many wild animals carrying unknow diseases are coming more and more in contact with humans.
As you can see from all this black market activity in animals it's just another reason for " THE BIG PANDEMIC " to happen.