Several important points from the CEO of Lithium AmericaAll,
In the interview I mentioned last night there are several really intresting points:
1. Tesla has just anounced they have made changes to the lithium battrey make-up that make for a btter battery and that suppliers will have to now produce battery grade lithium with a new set of tolerances for chemistry. This is ongoing and shows that changes and tinkering with chemnistry will continue as the battreries get better and better. We may be coming along with our project a good time in that we can change our thinking and processes at bench scale.
2. The battery makers are swinging back to lithium carbonate feed from lithium hydoxide.
3. The lithium market is over supplied at the moment but is expected to tighten over the next 2 years, again maybe perfect timing for us to be presenting this resource to the world.
I will say again that if we can supply Li at a lower overall cost than the pegmatites we have a good chance, this includes Capex, mining cost, and processing cost.
Anyway those were the points that I thought our group of CYP stub holders should be aware of,